I don’t care anymore. The people, with whom, I’ve tried to make friends with only seem interested when it benefits them. The same goes for my family. The holidays don’t excite me. I plan to work for the holidays, to avoid the holiday “phonies.” Every Christmas, I go broke, buying gifts for people who don’t appreciate them.

Jan 15, 2019 · Some funny people can be so passionate about their own interests that they just don’t care about anything that is happening around them. Take a look at these hilarious pictures of people who found doing funny things without caring about anyone else. 36 Funny People Who Don’t Care About Anything-01 Loading 36 Funny People Who Don’t Care About Anything-02 Loading Don’t call farm subsidies welfare, because 95 percent of agriculture subsidies go to white farmers. Blacks receive fewer small-business loans than equally-qualified white borrowers, so that’s Sep 25, 2011 · Like, I can't care about people anymore. I mean, I have tried but it doesn't feel the same anymore. I can say I love a person, and then feel fine two days later after we break up. I cannot form longlasting bonds with people anymore (this isn't just limited to romantic interests) and people seem to drift in and out of my life, and I don't care.

Some funny people can be so passionate about their own interests that they just don't care about anything that is happening around them. Take a look at these hilarious pictures of people who found doing funny things without caring about anyone else.

Sep 09, 2014 · MINNIE: But when life feels like crap, you don’t have the energy, the desire, to fix anything. I do my job, come home make some crappy dinner, and collapse in front of the TV—if my kids will

I don’t care anymore. The people, with whom, I’ve tried to make friends with only seem interested when it benefits them. The same goes for my family. The holidays don’t excite me. I plan to work for the holidays, to avoid the holiday “phonies.” Every Christmas, I go broke, buying gifts for people who don’t appreciate them.

Oct 17, 2018 · Maybe you think you don’t care about anything, but in reality all your caring energy is being burnt up by worrying about the news and Facebook and whether people like you.